Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Poet with a Melody

His melody flows like the blood on his veins. Having leukemia would not stop this Master Rapper on sharing his gift through his rhythm of life and the message of his melody. He is Francis Magalona. He had just shocked the music world as he was diagnosed with leukemia but all prayers were answered as he finally came out of the hospital. Watching him on TV being greeted by his family and friends on his birthday was a great start. He may look a bit emaciated but he is still the great Master Rapper we all knew.

I love rap music, the way I love someone who can rap...A
nyways, its just sad to see that the proliferation of rap and hip hop music in our country is looking like a day hit. Before we knew it, the next day that rap song we hear on the radio is already gone by the wind. It already fades away in the air waves as it is in our musical memory. Looking at these scenarios, it seems like rap music in the Philippines is just passing us by. Maybe Filipinos are too conservative to welcome this kind of music. But then, why do they like Eminem, 50 Cent, Kanye West, etc? Here comes the attitude of being nationalistic.

I love the way how words fused with the rhymes of phrases and the rhythmic beat of the melody can convey the angst of someone, the pain of love, being free, love of life and many more. Filipinos are really lovers of music and they can all beat foreign ones in all music genres.

As Francis Magalona, as well as Andrew E. were the gift of Filipinos to Rap world, it will continue to beat for those aspiring rappers and hip hoppers.

RAP is yet to conquer the
airwaves and it would be there to stay for good with the Filipinos rapping and the Filipino listeners loving it. RAP is a poem with a rhythm, with its poet that has a melody.

Yeah! Turn the beat, YO! PEACE OUT!

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