I am smart. My friends never fail to tell me that I am. I know I am. But that smartness was lost when love comes my way. There is always wrong when I fall in love, I tend to lose my way in the process. Well, not to mention the pain and tears that comes with it. As love comes along, my brain was suddenly moved at my feet. I was stepping hard on it. In a snap I become stupid. I don’t know why.
When it comes to giving good, hard advice on being stupid in love, I was number one (I guess) among my friends. I was the one who give them the hurtful truth on the stupidity they are doing for the sake of love. Again, you know what they say; you cannot really put that advice to work to someone else unless you yourself put it to a test. So now I fell in love and become a total moron.
I just gave my all, to the point I have nothing left for myself. Even pride. I was told that I should save my whole salary so I can buy some pride for myself. It is really hard to muster some pride for myself. Maybe I was really nice or I am just scared of losing someone because of pride. Or, I am just really stupid.
I realized you only become stupid and lose your pride when you never really love yourself. That after all this time, all the while I thought I really loved myself and I have so much love to give that I was just sharing it to the people that matter in my life. But it is not. I think I have the notion that I needed to love somebody in order for me to love myself (EAT.PRAY.LOVE). I don’t know really. Sometimes I have this thought I am never really worthy of love so I just give out love to people that I met along the way in my life. If I cannot love myself I just have to give it out.
The truth of it all, LOVE made me stupid and will always make me stupid. Love is playing its game on me. Maybe Cupid loves the way I spread out love. Without even thinking of the reason of anything but just going for it no matter how idiotic it will be.
Anyways, my brain still functions when I do something for love. It is screaming at me when it knows I am going to do something stupid. Still, in the end my heart won the battle. Even if it hurts. Even if it is so weak to go on. My heart fights for its life. It’s the only reason it beats for life. Gradually, it may get tired and the stupidity will end. The end will mean my death, I suppose.
(I think they will declare me brain dead.)
I always have a huge or wide imagination. I think too much. I ponder too long. I just bugged myself too much of everything.
Maybe I dream too much. In the end it was just an imagination full of expectations.
When I was a kid, I always thought I am some princess taken away from my real parents. I was imagining that one day, when I got home from school; some black limousine with the seal of a royal family will be there at the busy sidewalk near our house. As I came of age, I imagine I would be recruited in the CIA and would be a femme fatale spy. I even saw myself as a Broadway singer or a prima ballerina. I become everyone in my head.
But then it just stays stuck in my big wide world of my imagination. It never came out in the real cruel world. I learned from one of my dear friend that "imagination seems reality". The gullible in me, readily believe that. I always tend to believe on the things and sayings most especially if I haven’t heard it before. I started to imagine a lot about life.
And as I grow older I imagine a lot of love…
I imagine that this guy will soon would be kneeling before me and will confess his undying love. That one day he can no longer stand it whenever he passes my way, and would swept me into his arms with a lingering kiss on my mouth. That one day my smiles would be the only things he misses and long each day. That one day my love would and my presence would be the only thing that matters to him. But that one day does not really matter.
For that one day never came…
Even though that day never came to my expectations, I still imagine that one day it will become reality. I hold on to that saying. This time as I try to imagine, I add up my expectations. I tend to think that my imagination would be reflecting in my expectations. But as my imaginations are failure my expectations are my nightmare. I hold on to the time that it will be there right in front of my eyes. The day I longed so much to happen will come to reality. But life is always harsh, when I am almost there I would suddenly come crashing down. It is like a precious thing that you fought so hard to keep but it will be taken away from you just like that.
I dreamed too much, it hurts too much to see it’s never going to come true at all. I imagine too much that reality never came. I expect too much that the true world sucks already for me.
When sadness swept your way, it's like its never going to leave you
When happiness comes your way, it feels like it's never going to last.
When sadness comes my way it feels like its never going to leave. It is like eating me alive drying my eyes out because of the never ending tears. It’s like there is something hollow in my chest that needs some air to contain the emptiness. There is something needed to be filled up but there's no one out there to help you. I really can’t tell the feeling it gave me when so much sadness fills my deteriorating heart. These passed few days and most of the time I feel like my chest is pressed hard against the wall. I know something is wrong that I cannot explain. Before I just cry my heart out, sometimes out of nowhere I can burst out my tears just like that. But the day finally came that I cannot cry anymore. Am I really sad or my tears are just fed up to fall again and again? I found myself scolding my heart not to be sad and don’t start crying.
When I am happy, it’s about the simple, little things done in the most unexpected way I could never imagine. My happiness comes in a shallow way but I can almost cry because I am overjoyed. When I laugh, I don’t force it. It is easy to make me laugh. I smile and laugh genuinely, and you know I am happy. Just make me laugh and I am happy. But I can’t always laugh all the time. The funny moments fade away eventually. It’s not going to last long. I am always scared to be happy. I have a notion that when I am happy for so long, something bad will soon be raining on my happiness. It feels like I don’t deserve it because it is always taken away from me. That’s why I learned to savor the much unexpected moments when happiness comes my way, because it might be over soon. I will never know when it will come my way again.
Maybe I have learned to take in sadness as much as I want it to go soon. I have mastered the art of taking it all in until it gets the worst of my pain and tears. Then eventually, it will go as soon as it feels and see that I have enough of the gloomy feeling. Until it had taken all that it can take away from me.
Maybe I feel that I don’t deserve to be happy because I am scared of being happy in the first place. It is like I am depriving myself that I can be happy. I don’t know. I am just scared. I feel sorry for my heart because it can contain more sadness as much as it would like to feel more rapture.
I am sad. I am happy. Most of the time surviving the gloom and holding on to my happy moments…
Sometimes there is a real need to give time to yourself. A time to ponder on things you have done and will be able to do for yourself. Sometimes you just have to let it go and be who you want to be.
I know I have to run away to somewhere where I can only think of nothing but myself and be selfish for one time or maybe for a long time for my own good. It’s not that bad that for one you have to earn something for yourself that no one can take away. Maybe the prides that I have always have struggled to have and save so I won’t think little of myself.
I want to runaway. I remember when I was just kid, there was an instance that I suddenly packed some of my clothes in a plastic bag and planned to run away that night. I just got a good scold from my mother. I was awake all night and was waiting for the time when everybody is fast asleep and I can sneak out to the outside world. But I was never out the door, until now I was safely in the inside waiting for the outside to come and fetch me. Just to see what it’s like to be out there. Free to runaway and be myself alone.
So many things has been said and done and yet here I am. I cried so much. I laugh so hard. These passed few months has been a blur and somewhat gave me a crystal clear view of life. I got to lose myself along the way and then found it again in the end.
I always care too much about the world and I didn’t even know I was losing myself. I need someone to help me bang myself against the wall so I can see the reality of what I am doing.
This I write for my big sister/bestfriend Ate Joanne.
She was the reality of my insane life. If she is not there, I am still losing myself along the way. I would never know how to pick myself up and to ponder on the silly things I’ve been doing because of love and life in general. If I am not afraid of her pulling my hair off or shaving it off, I would never learn to be selfish and think of myself more. I would never learn how to earn pride for myself which I never really have most of the time.
Our long talks and support to each other makes me sane when I am crazy. I am thankful that she dragged me to somewhere else where I finally found the world where I think will give me growth and time for myself.
Merci beau coup, ate Joanne..^_^
My come back to my blogging world is for you. My first entry after a long time is for you..^_~
Do I love from behind? Am I scared of falling in love? All I know is I am not. For even though, I know that it may lead me to
I was never scared though I take the pain alone; I was not frightened to love. My friend told me I was loving again from behind. He said I was hurting myself again. I laughed sarcastically and said I am a masochist. Suddenly, I was teary-eyed....
If all the guys whom I loved from behind only knew, they would know how lucky they are to feel my love. Still, nobody cares and most of the time they choose to ignore it. I guess I always fell for the wrong person or for the wrong moment of time. I never regret it anyway.This is the love I chose to have and this is the pain I chose to endure. It is just that it is only I that I who feels everything and anything. I think there is nothing wrong with that. When you knew you from the start it will lead you nowhere, you choose to love from behind. Silently but full of actions. I just make them feel me no matter how they chose to ignore it. I think I am used to that. Maybe that is why I do not picture myself on dreaming of walking down the aisle.
Like when my Papa told me that someday when I met a guy, he should be worth it, and I just went, "I am not going to marry, I'm just going to get myself pregnant and have a baby on my own". Papa blurted, "Gago!". I think every father wants their daughter to be happy with a man someday like how they made their daughters happy. My Papa just wanted to see me happy in a way. But right now, I am happy that I have two men in my life who would never hurt me; my Papa and Dodick.
My friend told me to stop loving from behind because I am hurting myself. I told him that was easy of him to say because I am not like him. Like him, who has never felt rejection before. I think everyone loves him. Easy for him to say, because no one would say no to him . I only wish I can be like him. I have earned the courage before of telling someone I loved but only earn rejection but still that never gave me a stop to love and feel love.
It is never right to surrender your faith in love just because you are scared or you are hurt. It is never right to feel exhaustion in love though it gives you the bleakest of hope, you should have faith in someday. You will never know that somewhere, somehow along the way someday may bring your someone...Your somebody to love...
Why do we have to part ways and say the word goodbye? Why is there a need to let go, when it's all you ever wanted?
I am scared to say goodbye and let go but when it is the right thing to do that pains me a lot. There are a lot of situation wherein you have to let go and leave for good. It is not about relationship only; it is in all aspects of life.
As young as we are, we learn to say goodbye to the shallowest reason of it. And as we grew older we get to taste the bitterness and the deepest mark it bestowed upon us.
I learned to let go of petty material things that were already broken and can no longer be apart of me as I grow old. But it is hard for me, if I took so much care of that thing and something will happen to keep me apart from it. I get too attached, that’s it.
Maybe, that is my fault on the word goodbye. It is hard because I attached myself too much. It’s like never giving up and clinging on to it until time makes you feel that it’s time to go. It is so difficult, that you gave your all just to stay but in the end you will have to let go. People get tired also and there is always a need to move on. It is just so sad that when you go nobody cares. When goodbye is there, nobody dares to follow. They think you are a coward on giving up. They just don’t know that to stay together is a compromise. Just like the things you have taken care of, you should also take care of the people that life gave you.
Goodbye and letting go is painful, it is just that somehow, somewhere you just have to learn to see yourself again that you lost. I don’t think it is a coward thing to let go, it is the bravest thing to do.
It is the will to stay, when you say goodbye…
I rode the bicycle with him to school when I was young..
I even saw him on the flag raising ceremony when he was a soldier before..
He would tap my butt (my siblings call it “pikpik) softly so I could go to sleep soundly…
Who he is…
He is Mr. Benjamin Mauleon, who else but my father..
My cousins once told me that I was a papa’s girl and I was…really
I was really close to my father I couldn’t remember any moment in my life he even laid a hand on me..
Though I always been so bad..
It even came to a point that I was ashamed of him being my father but that was really the most evil thing a daughter could do to her father..
He would do anything and everything so I could be alright..
He would always calm me down whenever i broke down in tears..
He would always keep me confident and fill my coward heart brave words that will make me strong..
He would be sometimes corny but his jokes would always make me smile no matter what..
He was my soldier..
My clown..
My driver…
My mentor…
My confidence..
I would always be thankful to GOD for giving me such a great father like him
Some day when I get married I will find a man like him…
I only wish that I could give him anything he wanted in life..
And that he will never work for us anymore..
I want to serve him and my mother until they leave me
This is a solid proof that I no longer have enough money to explore the world and get on an adventure. I get to be my old self again. A certified homebody. I get to earn a lot of sleep and ate properly at home.
But being at home on a weekend gave me a lot of things to do also and thoughts to ponder.
Last week started well that continued into a lot of dramas. There was a lot of fuzz at my new work. Almost everyone is having a hard time coping. Some of them already left for good. Even my closest friend who dragged me into applying is already giving up. I don’t know what to feel. I am having a hard time also but then again I was thinking of making this new job work out for me. For I told myself that this would be my last try on accepting calls, if it does not work I’m going to let go. We managed to get through the weekend as we took our first calls along with our complaints here and there. It was suddenly a new world for us: virgins or non-virgins. I think this weekend was meant to get me relax and have enough rest. I am so thin already, anyway.
As Saturday came, I got to talk to my previous coach and we catch up on each other. I suddenly became a love adviser to her. I found it surprising that I got to give good advice even tough I’ve never been into a relationship. It felt good that you get to ease someone’s heartaches and confusion just by giving those advices. Still, at the end of the day, my advice would be worthless because it’s up to them to live out what I told them or follow their heart. We all know that the end of this is: the heart always won. Love makes us stupid people. You know in your mind that doing those things makes you so stupid yet because you love that person dearly, stupidity becomes you.
I cried the night I came to bed last Saturday. I just felt like crying. I cried because I suddenly felt happy and thankful despite the confusion. I felt contented. Amazingly, I just realized at that very moment I am so happy. Thanks a bunch Lord.
Sunday came and it is still spent on sleeping. I was thinking of attending the anniversary party of my new work but then laziness get in the way. Another thought about love came also. Am I scared of letting love in? Because of this thought, I dreamt about some guys that came into my life. Those who did not let me in and those I let in without strings attached. All I know is that I am happy. I always pray to God that whoever comes or whatever comes I just want to be ready and worthy of it.
Love. Life. The Weekends. ^_^