Thursday, June 17, 2010


These are my answers to the PROUST Questionnaire
Your Favorite virtue:Patience your favorite qualities in a man:Honest,sweet,responsible,GOD-fearing your favorite qualities in a woman:simple and caring Your chief characteristic:nice What you appreciate the most in your friends: thoughtful Your main fault:having no pride at all Your favorite occupation:photographer Your idea of happiness:being with one who loves you the most Your idea of misery: being left behind If not yourself, who would you be: I would be a nun Where would you like to live: in PARIS Your favorite colour and flower: blue, tulips Your favorite prose authors:Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham, Dan Brown, Ken Follett Your favorite poets: Pablo Neruda, Brownings Your favorite heroes in Fiction: Spiderman Your favorite heroines in Fiction: Elektra What characters in history do you most dislike?: warlords Your heroines in world history: Joan of Arc Your favorite food and drink: anything with potatoes; iced tea Your favorite names: Sophie, Andrew What I hate the most: people taking me for granted but still I was always there for them World history characters I hate the most: Adolf Hitler What is your present state of mind: confused??? For what fault have you most toleration: ignorance in a tolerable way Your favorite motto: trust in the LORD with all your Heart What historical figure do you most identify with?:Mother Teresa??? Which living person do you most admire?: My Father What is the trait do you most deplore in others: conceited What is your greatest extravagance?: my shoes On what occasion do you lie?: if the situation needs it, I seldom lie What do you dislike most about your appearance?: nothing.. When and where were you happiest?: with a sweet and simple action done in the most unexpected way If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: none, I am me If you could change one thing about your family what would it be?: I love them What do you consider your greatest achievement?: having a job and helping my family If you died and came back as a person or thing what do you think it would be?: a dolphin What is your most treasured possession?:books What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?:being alone without someone loving you Howe would you like to die?: as early as possible..+_+

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