You were walking along and just thinking of ordinary stuff and suddenly I came your way. All of a sudden everything around you went into low motion and you could only hear the beating of your heart. Right then and there, you know that there us something about me that will make your beat for a lifetime. Right at that very moment, you know you had found the one you had been searching for all your life. You had found me, You silly guy, whom I had been waiting for.
Well, that would be a cute story for my love life. It is not like the one that happens every day. Then it is not my story. I was just hoping it to be my story. This is the love story that every hopeless
romantic girl is praying for to God.
I always have a prayer in my heart for God, for the right man to come in my life but I guess I never really prayed that hard. I also realized that half of my heart is scared that I might not be ready for the man who can give me love. This time I prayed with all my might and now with my whole heart for the love I have always been dreaming of and for it to finally come my way. I could not ask for more on what I have right now. My family is doing great and I have a wonderful bunch of friends. I see that I got love all around me but every single woman like me long for that moment to be swept away by the man destined to love and take care of you for the rest of your life. I also admit that I might not be ready (though I am at the very right age now) but I know in prayers there always be an answer waiting to happen at the right time. So I pray. I prayed harder...

All of this, I pray for the man who will come in God's own precious time. The time when the moment is right and destiny is right on its path. The time when two hearts are bound to be one, the time when two lost souls are bound to find each other and share their lives for forever.
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